Honor the Little Squirts [Andrew McMillan]

My parents threw cocktail almost weekly and they demanded my sister and me to come down stairs to "make an appearance" saying, "How do you do you do. Nice to see you Mr. & Mrs. Grownup who have no desire to talk to me either." The big people would like to ignore us, too, to get back to the big people conversation. But there were a few of these big people who called us by name...

Looking Good

During this time of restoring my health, I was driving around in a convertible with a great haircut and fifteen pounds lighter. I have been eating like a monk and exercising like a monkey, but I was still feeling lousy. They found some wicked bacteria in me that have been causing havoc to my body [...]

21 Days with Jesus: Email Experience

https://www.facebook.com/TeamMcMillan/videos/1843776072362165/ Conventional wisdom says it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Could we form the most important habit of our life—ongoing personal encounters with the living Jesus in 21 days? Click below and sign up for your free 21 Days With Jesus Email Experience to jumpstart the your relationship Jesus! Our treat. http://teammcmillan.us10.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=23dd172b3af5c2f8ddefd648d&id=bf3954709d

How We Started Being Missionaries in Medellin. [Andrew McMillan]

  How God Likes to Start & Fix Things   If I would start a church, I would like to have the finances to rent an auditorium, good sound, lighting, and LED screen and publicity on billboards and TV. I would like to have sharp looking couples greeting at the door and young talented musicians [...]